How Long Do Treadmills Last – Everything You Should Know

How Long Do Treadmills Last
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A treadmill’s average lifespan appears to be between 7 and 12 years. According to the data, these treadmills average less than 1000 miles per year.

Treadmills are a great option for working out at home because you can use them while watching TV. However, this kind of exercise gear is not inexpensive, so you want yours to last a very long time. But how long are treadmills made to last? Find out how long a treadmill typically lasts and how to pick the best one for you by reading on it.

How Long Do Treadmills Last?

Most manufacturers claim that it lasts between 7 and 12 years. But remember that this is just a guess. The lifespan can vary depending on the type of treadmill you purchase and how frequently you exercise.

The quality of the machine (some are made better than others), how frequently you use it, and the type of surface you use on all three affect how long your treadmill will last.

Considering how long your treadmill will last require consideration of these three factors. The machine’s quality is crucial. A treadmill that is poorly constructed might not last as long as one that is of higher quality.

The upkeep of the treadmill should also be taken into account. It’s true that some people use them frequently without giving them the attention they need. However, if you know how to care for your machine and follow the care instructions, it won’t wear out as quickly as if you don’t bother to maintain it at all.

Do Treadmills Come With Warranties?

A warranty is typically included with treadmills. Because they are designed to last longer, the frame and motor of the best treadmills typically come with lifetime warranties. The motor of the majority of cheaper treadmills is still covered by a one-year or ten-year warranty, while the belt and frame are covered for five years.

A warranty most likely comes with a new treadmill when you purchase it. This is frequently the case, so make sure you understand and utilize your warranty.

Numerous treadmills are sold with warranties that range in length from one to five years. It’s critical to understand what the warranty covers and how long it lasts.

How To Buy A Good Treadmill

Before discussing the typical lifespan of a treadmill, it’s important to understand how to make the best choice. You can ensure that your new treadmill will last for a long time in two different ways. The warranty comes first. Because manufacturers won’t make numerous repairs if the product won’t last the warranty, you can use exercise equipment warranties as a sign of how confident they are in their goods.

It will last a long time if you purchase a quality treadmill. Ultimately, you want to make sure that the machine you purchase meets both your needs and your financial constraints. To know how long a treadmill will last, make sure it is made of high-quality materials and has an expected life span.

Additionally, pay attention to the features of the treadmill, such as whether it is foldable and/or modular. Make sure to compare the features of both treadmills as well as their prices.

What Features Should You Look For In A Treadmill?

You must first decide on your budget. This will restrict you from using the extra features that are typically only available on more expensive models. A smaller treadmill that is simple to fold and unfold is ideal if you only have a small amount of available space. You should look for a treadmill with shock absorption to protect your joints during frequent exercise and a powerful motor to keep up with your workouts.

How Frequently Does A Treadmill Need Service?

According to general recommendations, you should service your treadmill every 40 hours of use or at least twice a year. You should service your treadmill once a year if you use it for less than 10 hours per week.

Read the manual completely and abide by the manufacturer’s instructions as always. They will give you instructions on how to maintain the treadmill and when to have it serviced.

Maintenance Tips For Treadmill

The way you take care of a treadmill will also affect its lifespan.

So keep in mind that routine maintenance should now be a part of your routine after purchasing your ideal machine.

Here are some reminders:

  • After each use, clean the treadmill. To avoid dirt accumulation, be sure to vacuum the area as well.
  • The running deck and belt of the treadmill should occasionally be inspected. Look around for lumps or bumps. And when necessary, adjust the belt. Also, check for any loose screws. Are there any NordicTrack treadmills in your home? You can look at their website or this maintenance manual for more information.
  • As necessary, lubricate the treadmill belt. Belt lubrication should typically be done every three months. However, it depends on how frequently you use the device. To find out which lubricant to use and how to apply it, consult your manual.

How To Tell If A Treadmill Needs Replacement

Typically, the cost of a treadmill or rowing machine is between $600 and $2,000. Your treadmill will cost a lot of money even though it was a great investment.

But everything good has an expiration date. Everything from the maximum power of the treadmill motor to how the deck absorbs shock cannot be stretched by wear and tear.

Here are some indicators that you might require a new treadmill. If you pay attention to these indicators, you might be able to save money by avoiding multiple repairs.


A home treadmill is probably what you need if you want a good treadmill but don’t have the room, time, or money to go to the gym frequently. Numerous options are available, and many models include a number of features that can facilitate your workout.

It’s crucial to take your time choosing the treadmill that is most suitable for you because each of these models has advantages. There are many more models available if you can’t find one of the five mentioned above, but these all seem to be well-liked choices for a budget treadmill.

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