Why Swimming Is The Almost Perfect Exercise Ever?

Why Swimming Is The Almost Perfect Exercise Ever
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With the improvement of people’s fitness awareness, swimming fitness has become a fashion today. As we all know, life lies in sports, and there are many ways of sports, but swimming is different from other sports. It is not as monotonous and urgent as other sports, and it is also the only kind of sports that are not carried out on land. It is a kind of movement process in the water with the strength of the human body, which can be fast or slow, tight or loose according to the individual human body. Swimming is an aerobic and perfect exercise, and it is also an exercise that can exercise the whole body from head to foot. Swimming is not only popular with young people, but also very suitable for the elderly to exercise. It can also be used as an auxiliary treatment for medical rehabilitation.

Benefits of Swimming

  1. Build Muscle Lines

Swimming can help you gain muscle strength all over your body. When you see the developed leg muscles of runners, swimmers are using more muscle groups to exercise in the water. The legs are kicking and the arms are stretching. As the back stretches and rotates, the stomach tightens, providing power for the legs and stabilizing the core. This makes swimming one of the best aerobic exercises, which can exercise your whole body.

Swimming is a very good slimming exercise. Swimming requires the cooperation of the muscles of the whole body, so it can exercise the muscles of the whole body.

  1. Improve Bone Mass

Swimming can improve bone mass, which has been demonstrated by professional project research. Therefore, if you want to have healthier bones, you might as well choose swimming.

Although running still showed the highest increase in BMD (bone mineral density), the swimming group also showed advantages over the control group in BMD and femur weight. Although more research is needed, these new findings suggest that previous studies on the beneficial effects of swimming on bones may need to be revisited.

  1. Improve Body Flexibility

Swimming requires you to stretch, stretch, twist and paddle. Your ankles become fins, and when you press forward against the pressure of the liquid, your legs will stretch every time you kick. This doesn’t mean you don’t have to stretch yourself anymore, but repetitive stretching in your various positions also helps you with flexibility

The process of swimming requires athletes to stretch, curl up, turn around, etc. it can be seen that the continuous cooperation of all parts of the body is required to achieve the effect of swimming. First, the water can be pushed forward. In order to maintain the balance of the body, the cooperation of the arms is also required. Therefore, office workers who often work in the office may wish to try more to increase their flexibility.

  1. Reduce the Risk of Inflammation

The benefits of swimming on cardiovascular and myocardial enhancement are well known, but studies have also shown that aerobic exercise, such as swimming, can reduce the inflammation that leads to atherosclerosis, thereby strengthening the heart.

In many other areas, reducing systemic inflammation can also reduce the development of disease, so as research progresses, we look forward to hearing more about its benefits.

Swimming can help strengthen myocardial function and improve cardiovascular health. Relevant studies have also concluded that this aerobic exercise can help reduce the risk of inflammation, so it can help prevent the occurrence of cardiac atherosclerosis. Once the risk of inflammation is reduced, it can also help improve some other diseases. There are many benefits.

  1. Fat Burning and Weight Loss

Everyone knows that swimming is a good way to burn calories, but most people don’t realize that it can be as effective as running on a treadmill. Depending on the way and intensity you choose to paddle, swimming will consume equal or more calories than running.

Besides, you don’t have to worry about your eyes sweating. For example, in a 10 minute swim, breaststroke consumes 60 calories, backstroke consumes 80 calories, freestyle consumes 100 calories, and butterfly consumes 150 calories.

In equal proportion, running for 10 minutes consumes about 100 calories. Therefore, the butterfly speed in 30 minutes consumes 150 calories more than running 5 kilometers at the same time.

Swimming is the best way to lose weight in various sports. Generally, swimming for ten minutes, breaststroke can burn about 60 calories, backstroke can burn 80 calories, freestyle can burn about 100 calories, and butterfly has a better fat burning effect, which is unmatched by other sports.

Why Swimming Is The Almost Perfect Exercise Ever
  1. Alleviate Exercise Asthma

Nothing is more painful than having difficulty breathing during exercise. However, unlike exercising in dry gym air or risking allergic rhinitis, swimming allows you to breathe moist air during training. It not only helps alleviate asthma symptoms, research shows that it can also improve the overall condition of your lungs.

In a recent study, a group of children who completed a six week swimming program improved in asthma symptom severity, snoring, oral breathing, and medical treatment. These benefits were still noticed a year after the swimming program ended. Of course, people without asthma will also benefit, because swimming can increase the whole lung capacity and teach you good breathing skills.

When swimming, people can breathe more moist air, so the respiratory function can be improved. Therefore, swimming can alleviate the symptoms of asthma and fundamentally improve the health of the lungs.

  1. Relieve Stress and Depression

Do you like natural endorphins? When many people talk about the excitement of running, swimming can also bring all those feelings that make people feel good.

In addition to the hormones of happiness, you can also feel a relaxation reaction similar to yoga. As I mentioned earlier, swimming will constantly stretch your body. When this is combined with rhythmic breathing, you can experience the unique relaxation boom of this sport.

Swimming can also make people calm and meditate, because the sound of your breathing and the incoming water help you focus inward, focus on your heart, and drown out all other disturbances. This naturally reduces stress and depression.

Research also shows that swimming can reverse the damage of stress to the brain through a process called hippocampal neurogenesis. So, if you feel your emotions are drowned, then you may find a way to feel good again in the water.

Endorphin is a hormone that makes people feel very good, which can alleviate people’s mood. Swimming can effectively stimulate the secretion of endorphins. It can relax the body and mind while exercising. Combined with regular breathing, it can also calm people down and become more focused.

  1. Salt Water Swimming Can Beautify the Skin

When you switch from swimming in the pool to water sports in the ocean, you will notice that your skin will improve greatly over time.

Swimming regularly in salt water helps the skin maintain moisture and detoxify, and promotes the growth of new cells. After swimming in the vibrant ocean, you will be surprised to find that your skin is so smooth and healthy.

  1. Swimming Can Make You Smarter

Of course, all exercise is good for the brain, but can swimming really make you smarter? An Australian study focused on children who had taken swimming lessons, and there was also a control group.

The results showed that children who often participated in swimming could master language, motor skills, self-confidence and better physical development faster than the control group.

Swimming is also helpful for mathematics, because swimmers often calculate the swimming distance in a group or interval practice, which will make their addition and subtraction more proficient.

  1. Swimming May Prolong Your Life

Although all exercise can improve health and longevity, research shows that swimming is one of the best choices. Researchers at the University of South Carolina observed 40547 men between the ages of 20 and 90 for more than 32 years. The results showed that the mortality rate of swimmers was 50% lower than that of runners, walkers or people who did not exercise.

Swimming Precautions

Although swimming is of great benefit to the human body, everything is scientific. When swimming, you should pay attention to the following matters:

First of all, the water temperature should be moderate, especially for the elderly, because their blood vessels are fragile and their blood pressure is high, so the water temperature must be moderate when swimming, not too cold. The time should not be too long, and the action should be slow.

Secondly, in the swimming pool, attention should also be paid to the protection of five senses, such as wearing waterproof glasses, ear plugs, nose clips, etc.

Moreover, avoid swimming before and after meals. Because fasting swimming affects appetite and digestive function, it will also cause accidents such as dizziness and fatigue during swimming; Swimming with a full stomach will also affect digestive function, produce stomach cramps, and even vomiting and abdominal pain. Avoid swimming after strenuous exercise, otherwise it will increase the burden on the heart; At the same time, the sharp drop of body temperature will also lead to the weakening of resistance, causing colds, pharyngitis, etc.

In addition, corresponding swimming equipment and physical conditions should be prepared before swimming to avoid accidental conditions such as choking after entering the water or physical diseases after swimming.

For women who love beauty, swimming and fitness is a good choice. But female friends should avoid swimming during menstruation. Because the female reproductive system has weak resistance during menstruation, swimming is easy to make bacteria enter the uterus, fallopian tubes and other places, causing infection.

Potential Risks of Swimming

Swimming is safe for most people. Like any exercise, swimming has certain risks. If you are injured or have some physical conditions, be sure to consult a doctor before swimming. In general, whenever you start a new exercise program, it’s best to consult a doctor.

For example, people with skin diseases such as psoriasis may be more vulnerable to irritation in chlorinated pool water. Your doctor is the best resource for your health guidelines.

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