What Happen To Your Body After A Massage – Tips and Facts

What Happen To Your Body After A Massage
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The negative effects of stress on the body cannot be overemphasized. Massage therapy is a comprehensive therapy. What will happen to your body after massage. Have you ever thought about what makes massage such a powerful painkiller and depressant? We will review how massage today affects the science behind the body, breaking down the benefits of each quote to understand the basic principles.

Benefits of Massage Therapy

1. Help the Respiratory System

Massage therapy plays an important role in training the body to relax and help improve breathing. It lowers heart rate, blood pressure, and respiratory rate through slow, deliberate, and controlled strokes. When any muscles in the chest, stomach and upper back tighten for a long time or contract due to pressure or poor posture, it will make your normal breathing difficult. I mentioned the sympathetic nervous system briefly earlier, which is your reaction to fight or escape. Constant stress or anxiety can release cortisol, our fight or flight response hormone. This symptom can be manifested by accelerating or shortening breathing.

Did you know that it takes 20 to 60 minutes for the body to return to normal after the perceived threat disappears? High levels of cortisol are associated with many stress-related symptoms and diseases, including sleep deprivation, anxiety, inflammation and aggression. Massage can help reduce the level of cortisol and restore the body and mind to a more balanced state. Massage therapy can not only improve breathing and reduce pressure, but also improve posture. This helps to open the chest area and ensure that the chest is in the right position (more air) for optimal lung function. Massage therapy not only helps relax muscles, but also helps individuals become aware of their daily stress levels, and helps you enjoy a more balanced life.

2. Help the Bone System

The effect of massage therapy is not obvious. The increase in blood circulation delivers more oxygen and nutrients to the bones, which also helps muscles become more flexible and joint movement increases. Healthy bones need a lot of blood flow to provide an appropriate amount of oxygen and nutrition to eliminate carbon dioxide, acids and other metabolic wastes that may accumulate. The quality of blood vessels that supply blood to bones tends to decline with age and may lead to physical diseases, such as diabetes, anemia, arthritis, and decreased joint and muscle activity.

Massage therapy helps to improve the functional efficiency of the hardness and support required by the body to resist gravity (the way your body works normally). The physiological benefits of massage therapy on the bone system include improving muscle balance, which also helps the bone to be in the right position. Tight muscles will dislocate your bones. Poor posture will not only look bad, but also force some muscles to work harder and others to become weaker. Bad posture also has other effects. For example, when you are lazy, you will press your internal organs, which will affect digestion. Massage therapy can be the first step to reduce joint pain and muscle stiffness by increasing bone blood circulation. It can also relax muscles that are sore due to poor posture. Once your muscles relax, this will allow your bones to position themselves in a natural and painless position.

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What Will Happen to Your Body After Massage Therapy?

  • Relax

When rhythmic sliding massage moves you to a calmer mental state, they actually activate the so-called parasympathetic nervous system. When they do this, your nervous system will relax, and your body will produce feel good hormones, such as endorphins and serotonin, while reducing the production of stress hormones, such as cortisol.

  • Toxin release

Massage circulates your blood and begins to release accumulated toxins. When your therapist relaxes your muscles, these toxins will relax and begin to flow to your liver and other organs. Keeping moisture before and after massage will help to remove toxins and waste from your body. Now your blood circulation has improved. Caffeine after massage may have a negative effect on newly exercised muscles. Therefore, if you are a coffee lover, take caffeine before massage. Water (or herbal tea) will help you maintain a new vitality cycle, exercise at an appropriate speed, and help you maintain the feeling of “fresh massage” for a longer time. Drink more water than usual after massage to provide the water needed by the body and expel the newly discharged toxins out of the body.

  • Pain relief

When your body’s muscles are deeply massaged, it reduces the activity of proteins that cause inflammation, which are called inflammatory cytokines. At the same time, the level of protein that stimulates the production of mitochondria is also increasing. Mitochondria provide energy for the body and accelerate muscle recovery. This process is very similar to the analgesic effect of over-the-counter drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen.

  • Better sleep

Poor sleep is related to many chronic diseases, and good sleep is the pillar of health. There is ample evidence that professional massage can help your body fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. But how? Massage bypasses the body’s natural defense mechanisms, inducing deep relaxation while raising serotonin levels, which helps you feel calm by encouraging melatonin release. Because massage can divert your attention from the worry of invading your brain at night, sleep may be faster. When the annoying hip or back pain that keeps you awake is relieved after the massage, sleep will become easier.

What Happen To Your Body After A Massage

Can Epsom Salt Be Used During Massage?

The magic of Epsom salt has been widely known for hundreds of years. Unlike other salts, it has beneficial properties and can soothe the body, mind, and soul. Countless health benefits include relaxing the nervous system, treating skin problems, relieving back and limb pain, relieving muscle tension, healing wounds, treating colds and congestion, and absorbing toxins from the body. One of the easiest ways to relieve stress and stress-related problems is to soak a few cups of Epsom salt in a bathtub full of hot water. Some significant benefits of Epsom salt include: relieving stress and relaxing the body, relieving pain and muscle spasms, helping muscles and nerves function normally, helping to prevent arteriosclerosis and blood clots, making insulin more effective, relieving constipation, and eliminating toxins in the body.

And there are many reasons why you might develop itchy after a message. Cholinergic urticaria (CU) are those that appear when you’re hot, anxious, or sweaty from working out.

Do you Tip Massage Therapists?

Although no tip is required, if you massage in a spa or hotel in North America, if you are satisfied with the service, the standard tip is 20%. (the exception is an all-inclusive spa without a tipping policy.) If you receive a gift certificate or purchase a transaction through a discount website, you will usually be tipped according to the original price. If the spa or clinic provides an envelope for tips, please put the money in the envelope and write the therapist’s full name on the envelope to avoid confusion. If you don’t have an envelope, you can give the therapist cash or tip when you pay for the service.

For massage in a medical or clinical setting, tips may not be expected or even acceptable. If you are not sure, please consult the clinic receptionist or massage therapist whether they are used to tipping. If you don’t want to ask in person, please call in advance.

How Many Clothes Should You Take Off During Massage?

Massage therapists usually ask you to take it off as comfortably as possible. Many people like to wear underwear during a massage, while some people prefer nudity. You can choose. In order to avoid applying massage oil or lotion on the bra during back and shoulder massage, women usually take off the bra.

If your lower back, hips, hips or groins are your problem areas, wearing tight underwear or large underwear may occasionally make massage work more difficult. You can consult your massage therapist before changing. After the masseur leaves the room, you can take off your clothes and lie on the massage table under the sheets (usually face down). You should not worry that massage therapists will approach you in North America; Before entering the massage room, they should knock on the door and ask if you are ready.

The message you receive will also determine how many clothes you take off. If you want to keep covered, choose a full body massage method, such as finger massage or Thai massage.

Read More:What to Wear for Massage – Every Thing You Should Know

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