How Does Visualization Promote Relaxation and Stress Reduction?

How Does Visualization Promote Relaxation and Stress Reduction
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Have you ever had a busy and disorganized day? No matter what you do, your day seems to be out of control. Of course, your stress level has reached an all-time high. At this time, you can relax your body through visualization. How does visualization promote relaxation and reduce stress? Visualization can promote relaxation and reduce stress, because it can get you out of the world for a while.

What is Visualization?

Remember how you daydreamed in those boring chemistry and algebra classes in high school? Visualization is like this. Visualization is a kind of stress management technology, which needs to use your imagination to describe a place, a person or a period of time, so that you feel relaxed, happy and calm.

When we are uncertain and stressed, the brain tends to pay more attention to the negative aspects of things. The purpose of visualization is to expand your ability to relax by focusing on calmer and calmer thoughts. But all stress management techniques focus on distracting people from stressful situations. What is the difference between visualization?

Unlike other stress management techniques, visualization depends on all your senses.

For example, when you think about your vacation on the beach in the past, you will hear the sound of waves and see beautiful scenes. How does visualization promote relaxation and decompression?

Sunrise and sunset, feel the breeze of the wind, smell the fresh air, and taste the cold drinks you drank during the holiday. By relying on all your senses, visualization allows you to create a powerful relaxing experience.

How Does Visualization Promote Relaxation and Reduce Stress?

Visualization technology can help you relax for several reasons. First, guided images need to use distraction to shift attention from stressful situations to more relaxed scenes. Visualization allows you to focus on more positive scenes rather than negative aspects, so it will bring a relaxing experience.

The guidance image also helps to promote relaxation and reduce stress by creating a correlation between past experiences and relaxation. Visualization technology can directly guide your body and subconscious, making your behavior look like the calm state you think is true. By doing so, your body learns to associate specific memories with relaxation.

You eliminate stress by imagining a happy place, watching yourself solve the problems that bother you, or imagining yourself happier than you are now. Through visualization, when the pressure is eliminated, you will start to relax, and you will find that your stress level is greatly reduced. Visualization uses the power of your imagination to create the mental or physical state you want to achieve. You can see that you are calm. You can imagine working in a quiet place where your colleagues will provide help and support.

This is not just a daydream. Instead, you start with the goal, imagine it, so that you can really see it, and then you plan how to achieve this goal. Through visualization, you can see that you are moving towards the ultimate goal of your plan.

Many researchers have found a direct link between visual training and reduced stress levels. For example, in 1997, a study on the impact of using images on cancer patients found that compared with patients who did not use images, patients with image processing diseases suffered less pressure and had a higher quality of life.

Another study on the impact of visualization on homeless teenagers found that teenagers who practice various visualization techniques have significantly lower stress levels. Although homeless teenagers bear more pressure than ordinary teenagers, this still exists. It is obvious from the research that visualization is effective in promoting relaxation and stress relief.

How to Relax with Visualization?

Visualization, or guided image, is a variant of traditional meditation, involving imagining a scene in which you can calmly experience and freely release all tension and anxiety. Choose the quietest environment for you, whether it’s a tropical embankment, your favorite place in childhood, or a quiet forest canyon.

You can practice visualization yourself, or you can guide you through images through applications or audio downloads. You can also choose to practice your imagination in silence, or use a hearing aid, such as soothing music or a car with sound, or a recording that matches your chosen environment: for example, if you call the beach, you can hear the sound of waves.

Practice Visualization

Close your eyes and imagine your quiet place. Make it lifelike: everything you encounter, hear, smell, taste and experience. Just “looking” at the information technology in your mind, like the photos you take, is not enough. If you combine as many sensory details as possible, the visualization effect is the best. For example, if you want to build a dock on a quiet lake:

  • See: The sun fell on the water
  • Hear: Birds are singing
  • Smell: Pine
  • Feel: The cold water on your bare feet 
  • Sense of taste: Fresh air

When you slowly explore your calm identity, enjoy the feeling that your troubles are gradually gone. When you are ready, gently open your eyes and lift your back to the present. If you sometimes lose your mind or lose your way in the process of visualization, don’t worry. This is normal. You may also feel heavy limbs, muscle twitching or yawning. Again, these are normal reactions.

Sometimes your throat muscles may feel anxious after exercise, then read this post: How to Relax Throat Muscles


The idea of visualization may not sound particularly soothing, but rhythmic exercise can allow you to enter a series of repetitive actions, resulting in relaxation. Although only rhythmic exercise can help relieve stress, increasing mindfulness is half as beneficial to you.

Like meditation, visualization requires you to focus on the present moment, focusing on how your body feels now, rather than your daily worries or worries. Instead of being distracted or staring at the TV receiver as you practice, focus on how your limbs feel and how your animation matches your movements.

For example, if you are walking or running, please focus on the feeling of your feet touching the ground, the rhythm of your swing, and the feeling of the airflow hitting your face. If you are doing resistance grooming, then focus on coordinating your actions and your animation, and pay attention to how your body feels when you increase and decrease weight. When your attention turns to other thoughts, gently turn your attention to your animation and actions.

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