Why Should I Change My Exercise Program Occasionally?

Why Should I Change My Exercise Program Occasionally1
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Increasing the intensity of your workouts is just one of many ways you can liven up your current exercise regimen. For instance, if you jog or sprint occasionally or add more hill work to your route when you walk or run, try doing so. Additionally, you can challenge your body with new exercises and cross-train. Altering the order in which you carry out the training exercises is a good substitute for resistance-training exercises.

Benefits Of Changing Exercise Program

Change Helps Avoid Plateaus

You can’t advance toward your fitness goals if you engage in routine activity for too long because your body will grow accustomed to it. At least twice per week, give your body a workout it isn’t used to. For instance, head to a park or nearby trail to run rather than the treadmill or the road. Your body will have to work harder to adapt to the new terrain as a result of this small change, increasing calorie expenditure while also building muscle and cardiovascular endurance.

Nutrition, stress, sleep, and genetics are a few additional variables that may affect your performance, according to Cochran. Consult your doctor or be sure you understand what isn’t working for you before changing a routine because each of these aspects is crucial for long-lasting results.

Decreased Injury

Anytime one type of exercise is repeated over a long period, the possibility of injury increases especially when weight-bearing or high-impact exercise is concerned. Stress is placed on muscles, joints, and bones through repetitive, similar exercise over time. Sprains, strains, or worse are more likely to occur if there is no change or opportunity to rest.

Everyone should exercise for their health, and it is much simpler to get going when changing a route or exercise routine by asking, “What should I do today?” By regularly forcing the body to adjust to changing exercise demands, cross-training keeps boredom at bay, boosts metabolism, lowers the risk of overuse injury, and helps muscles get fitter faster.

Avoid Mental Fatigue

Keep doing what you’re doing if you like your workouts and the results. If you find yourself getting bored, you might only need to tweak one or two parameters rather than switching to a different program entirely to keep it interesting for you. Every four to six weeks is the ideal time to change up your routine for recreational exercise.

Focus On All The Muscle Groups

It’s never bad to try a little bit of everything. The possibilities are endless when designing a cross-training regimen. The objective is to choose stretches and exercises that call for various movements, muscle groups, and levels of endurance. You can easily customize your cross-training schedule to meet your needs and interests by regularly varying the sports, days, increments, and speeds. For instance, yogis might want to mix up their weekly routine with running, swimming, and strength training.

Prevent Overuse And Injury

Repetition of the same exercise routine every day, week after week, which increases your risk of overuse injuries, is a common exercise mistake made by most people. By varying your activities, you can give overworked muscles and joints a chance to recover and rest before being worked again. Prevention is the best course of action because most overuse injuries are challenging to treat.

For instance, if you are a beginner runner, your ankles, knees, and lower back may not be accustomed to the impact of running, so start with a low-impact conditioning machine, such as an elliptical, to increase your strength. As soon as you build a solid foundation, you can gradually start switching up your running locations without putting undue strain on your joints.

It Keeps From Getting Boring

Once their routine is established, the majority of people do not like to change it. With a clear understanding of how long it will take them, what they will see, and how they will feel afterward, they set out on wheels, foot, or skis for the same route they chose yesterday. It becomes monotonous and boring to perform the same action every day without changing it up. Finding justifications not to exercise can result from this boredom. Any exercise routine can benefit from cross-training variation. Different forms of exercise provide various levels of effort and satisfaction, which can help keep you inspired to work out more. Cross training and switching up the routine make it more interesting to see new places and increase motivation to keep up a regular exercise schedule.

Change My Exercise Program Occasionally

How Many Variations Do We Need?

Variation is essential, but too much of it can cause problems. Two to three variations of each exercise should be picked for a program for each muscle or movement. Because you are constantly doing something new and waking up the system, it gets harder to adapt as you do more exercises.

For the average, recreational fitness enthusiast, training and goal-setting are equally enjoyable experiences and means to an end. Fitness enthusiasts may want to think about how much variation is enough if doing so helps them stay motivated and adhere to programs better.

The majority of recreational lifters should develop a few compounds lifts to monitor factors like strength, power, and workload capacity, while incorporating enough variation to maintain interest in and adherence to a program.

How To Make Exercise A Habit That Sticks

There’s a reason why so many New Year’s resolutions to lose weight give up before February even arrives. Furthermore, you do not lack the necessary skills. Science demonstrates that there is a proper way to create enduring habits. Make exercise one of them by following these instructions.

It may sound good to set a goal of exercising for 30 minutes per day, five days per week. How likely are you, though, to follow through? Your chances of failing, feeling bad about it and giving up increase with how ambitious your goal is. Start with simple exercise objectives you know you can reach. You’ll gain self-assurance and momentum as you encounter them. A more difficult set of objectives can then be chosen.

One of the keys to forming an exercise habit is using triggers. In fact, studies show that those who exercise consistently rely on them. Simply put, triggers are recollections that cause an automatic response, such as a time of day, location, or cue. There is nothing to consider or decide because they put your routine on autopilot. When the alarm goes off, you head out the door for your walk. After finishing your shift at work, you immediately go to the gym. You quickly get to your feet after finding your sneakers right by the bed. For exercise to become second nature, figure out how to incorporate them into your day.


Remember that performing the same exercise routine every day is not always a bad thing. Some people prefer a routine that is consistent and predictable. They don’t mind the possibility of hitting a training plateau and are content to keep up a convenient exercise routine to maintain their levels of fitness and health. To stay motivated and excited about their workouts, many people, however, need to challenge themselves and try new things. Individuals can keep themselves physically challenged and mentally engaged by changing their exercise routines.

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